The theory
The story of Exodus is an ancient historical memory of a severe clash between two theologies: The Moon versus The Sun.
One embraced change, wisdom and love (the Moon) and the other embraced stability, power and wealth (the Sun).

The Discovery
Is it possible that the word Messiah is an ancient Egyptian name? and moreover, is it possible that this name is actually the Egyptian name of Moses?
These three ancient Egyptian letters that appear on the top of this picture helped me to reveal the forgotten story of Exodus.
The Messiah’s name in Egyptian: “Conceived by the Moon God” became the code that helped me to decipher the secrets of this ancient story.
The Moon and its meaning
The Moon was an ancient god worshipped primarily by nomadic peoples in various lands such as Canaan, Egypt, Ancient Greece, China, Mexico, India, Afganistan and Thailand but primarily in Ur, Ancient Mesopotamia, the city of Abraham.
The Moon represented change, wisdom, softness, life, love and moving forward.
The Moon was referred to as IAH (pronounced as YA), SIN and NA(NA) in Mesopotamia. Other nomadic tribes named it YAHAVE and YAH. The worship included artifacts that carried the shape of the Moon crescent such as ram horns that have been discovered around the temples. The Moon was worshipped by both women and men. The female was represented by the full Moon and the male by the crescent .
The Moon temples were open to the sky, surrounded by black and white monolith stones and led mostly by priestesses.
The Moon god was at its peak in Ancient Egypt at the time of the 18th Dynasty (1550 BC).
In her late 40s, Galit Avia Ben-Tovel has embarked on a personal and exciting journey that connects her personal experience with the Biblical Exodus in a unique and remarkable way.
Through her explorative personal journey, she has finally fulfilled her childhood dream, that is, to unravel the mystery of the story of Exodus.
Messiah’s Code is Galit’s autobiography story, which is brought to you as an authentic dialogue, is inlayed with numerous exciting and extraordinary findings that she had unveiled throughout her journey. Her personal liberation brought to light new answers to some of the questions that were bothering her, such as “What happened to Moses?”, “Where is Mount Sinai?”, and “Where is the Arc of the Covenant?” Her training as a linguist helps her to decipher a cryptic code in the Book of Exodus, through which she sheds a new light on the Exodus and leads the reader through an exciting interpretation of the Biblical story and the identity of God.
About Galit
In her late 40s, Galit Avia Ben-Tovel has embarked on a personal and exciting journey that connects her personal experience with the Biblical Exodus in a unique and remarkable way.
Through her explorative personal journey, she has finally fulfilled her childhood dream, that is, to unravel the mystery of the story of Exodus.
Galit’s personal story, which is brought to you as an authentic dialogue with her lover, is inlayed with numerous exciting and extraordinary findings that she had unveiled throughout her journey. Her personal liberation brought to light clear answers to some of the questions that were bothering her, such as “What happened to Moses?”, “Where is Mount Sinai?”, and “Where is the Arc of the Covenant?” Her training as a linguist helps her to decipher a cryptic code in the Book of Exodus, through which she sheds a new light on the Exodus and leads the reader through an exciting interpretation of the Biblical story and the identity of God.


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